Ready, Hire, Aim…Just Because Your Competition Hires That Way Doesn’t Mean You Should

In this fast-paced, interactive session you'll learn processes and techniques to improve the likelihood of hiring GREAT performers and understanding how new hires can work better with you and your team.

During the session, you will be challenged with hiring a top executive for your company. You'll be shown how to define what you need, screen for it and objectively evaluate qualified candidates.

We will interactively demonstrate proven techniques for determining the best hire, including:
• specific job definition
• candidate selection criteria
• behavior based candidate screening
• candidate comparison analysis

Value to Members: During the session not only will you learn a powerful selection process, you'll learn how your unique style, motivators and personal skills can be leveraged for your success. Additionally, you'll better understand your team members and how to interact with them more effectively.


Brutal Honesty


Resiliency in Uncertain Times