Brutal Honesty

Honest to Greatness: Transform Your Life and Business with Strategic Brutal Honesty

In this fun, high-energy keynote that shatters your comfort zone, Inc. 5000 entrepreneur and TEDx speaker, Peter Kozodoy, helped our business leaders use strategic brutal honesty to achieve transformational outcomes in business and in life. Using case studies, profound stories, and tactical plans from his award-winning book, Honest to Greatness, Peter rapidly shifted us into “honest alignment” with who we really are, what we really want, and what we must do to move our businesses forward and achieve greatness.

In this keynote we learned:

  • How to use strategic brutal honesty to improve your sales, marketing, recruiting, and more

  • The simple, 2-question technique to shake off the self-limiting BS that prevents us from success, and 

  • How to use honesty like a Jedi mind-trick to spark creativity, resolve interpersonal conflicts, and become a more effective and empowered leader. 


Year-End Tax Strategy


Ready, Hire, Aim…Just Because Your Competition Hires That Way Doesn’t Mean You Should