Redefining How Work Gets Done.

Automate, Scale and Drive Profits With Virtual Assistants, Outsourcing and Easy Tech Tools.

In our workshop, lifetime entrepreneur and growth innovation expert Brad Stevens delivered high impact, take-away value by showing us proven ways to introduce Virtual Assistants, low-cost outsourcing and tech tools into our businesses and our lives.

We walked away with actionable tactics and an entirely new perspective on agility, scale, automation, and delegation. Brad’s topics included:

  • Understanding why the new world of “on-demand” global talent is growing so rapidly and is becoming the new vehicle for scale and agility.

  • Experiencing step-by-step, case study examples of using virtual workers in multiple key business functions and understanding the difference between “tactical” resources and “virtual assistants.”

  • Exploring the top platforms to find virtual workers and how to successfully integrate them into your organization.

  • Learning best practices including organizational systems, unique technology tools, and protocols that make it very easy to communicate with and manage virtual teams.

  • Developing a personalized “Outsourcing Automate and Delegate Action Plan” based on growth goals and key roadblocks related to time, money, knowledge and resource gaps.


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