Getting Things Done

The #1 challenge for CEOs is letting go.

So what if you can't let go? So what if you have a cluttered mind?

Your company relies upon you - or more accurately, your mind - for its biggest ideas. But a cluttered mind can’t tackle its biggest challenges any more than a daydreaming student can ace their SAT test. Your biggest challenges require the headspace that comes only from letting go. To let go of all the things in your head, you'll need a place to put them... a place you can trust to get your attention when the time is right. Only then can you let go and get the altitude you'll need to be a Visionary.

My team helps CEOs achieve greater freedom by systematizing their company so the CEO can elevate themselves from the day-to-day. I'll cover one part of our system. Some call it time management; others call focus management. Because it involves uncluttering your mind, we call it "Letting Go."

Based upon David Allen's work in Getting Things Done, mastery of this skill enables you to solve your greatest challenges and get outside the four walls of your company to discover big opportunities.


Q&A with Brian Scudamore


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